Friday, March 13, 2009

Long week...

of illness here in the Hinterland. It really started about 10 days ago with The Hubs getting hit with a pretty bad cold. And he never gets sick, well hardly ever.

Next, Wren was exposed to a stomach bug last Wed. when a boy who sits next to her at school threw up. So we were kind of on "alert" for her. Except that she hardly ever gets sick either.

We were then out of town overnight Sat-Sun, up north visiting both our brothers and their families. The kiddos spent the day with Greg's brother's family while we attended a worship conference. By the time we got back to their house for dinner, Jules was not well at all. Complaining of her stomach hurting and looking pretty "peaked" (as my mom would say)
. After dinner with them, we headed over to my brother's house to spend the night. Well, the inevitable happened and Jules was sick, thankfully just once overnight and by morning she seemed pretty much back to normal.

I woke up Sunday morning not feeling well. Nose was stuffy and drippy all at the same time and had a sinus headache. I had gotten the Hubs cold. Church, lunch, a little Nascar; we enjoyed our Sunday with them and then made our way home late afternoon.

Monday, I woke up and felt just plain rotten. Massive headache, scratchy throat, nose was stuffed and dripping like a leaky faucet. Another morning laying on the couch for this momma...poor Jaxon. I got up in time to
get myself moving, showered and dressed, make him lunch, and to get him to school. I then did my usual Monday grocery run, followed by what I like to call Manic Monday - picking all 4 kids up from their respective schools, Coleo at 2:30, Jaxon and 3 and then girlies at 3:30. >deep breath< Cole to drums, wait, girls to dance, home for dinner, homework and bedtime.

Tuesday was no better, The Hubs got hit with the stomach bug overnight Monday, so he was home from work and spent the day in bed. I spent most of the day on the couch getting up only when necessary. Thannkfully, Jaxon is eaily entertained, and self-reliant. We received a call from school about 3pm saying Wren had thrown up; I was already getting myself up and on my way to pick them up from school (for piano lessons at 4) so I hurried a little more to get myself out the door. Dropped Jules off for her lesson, with my little Wren-bird in tow, I stopped for gas, a quick run to the library and back for Jules and home. BY this time it was starting to get Antarctic cold. It's March people!

I obviously kept Wren home from school, and I was still pretty miserable feeling from my cold, and then with the WAY below zero temps and wind chill, I decided I was not going out unless absolutely necessary, so called and said Jaxon would not be at school that day. Another day spent mostly lazing on the couch, altho I did muster up enough energy to throw the makings for beef stew in the crock pot. A very long, very hot shower helped take the edge off the headache and congestion, and did run up to school to pick up Jules (she has never ridden the bus without her twin and seemed a little sad at the thought of it.) Same routine, dinner, homework, showers for all, and bed. >sigh<

Thursday, everyone was back to school and work, I was still feeling pretty crummy from the neck up. I got thru the week doing as little as possible, but still wonder what would happen to my family if I was actually REALLY sick? It's so hard for stay at home MOMs to take real sick days isn't?

Thankfully,no one else has gotten the head cold junk and we haven't had anymore of the nasty stomach stuff. yet.

UPDATE: Our sweet Jaxon got hit with the stomach bug Saturday afternoon. Poor thing. That makes 4 of 6. So now, Coleo and I are the only ones how haven't had it. Eek!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Feel better you guys...sounds like a crappy week for all!


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