1. The Hubs coming home tonight after 7 long days of being gone.
2. My dad - for playing bus driver this week for the Coleo.
3. Green grass.
4. Tulips nearing bloom.
5. Watching birds at the feeders this morning.
6. Time at home alone.
7. Only one more evening and bedtime as a solo-parent because did I mention? The Hubs is coming home tonight after 7 long days of being gone!!!!
the equation of a family, or...adding up the ordinary into something extraordinary, or...what you get when you add a guy, a girl, 4 kids, a dog and a cat, a little chaos, hours of music, lotsa faith, a dash of crazy, and oodles of love.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
American Idol Top 5
Well. Here we are down to the Final 5. I am not sad to have seen Anoop and Lil go home last week. I am honestly surprised they hadn't gone sooner.
So tonight they are singing American "standards" - the music of the Brat Pack. I think this could be fun!! With guest mentor Jamie Foxx. Altho, after the nasty things he said on his radio show about cutey Miley Cyrus recently he has lost a few points in my book...let's see what he has to say.
Kris Allen's singing "The Way You Look Tonight" - wow. Jamie Foxx liked him and said such nice things to him! That's cool. So this was smooth, not all full of unnecessary runs. Nice. Slow, fast, slow. Loved the tempo changes. Very classy. Love.it.
Allison is up next singing "Someone to Watch Over Me". Love this song. One of my favorite to sing actually. Wow. Amazing.
All I can say right now is Simon must have woken up on the wrong side of the dungeon today. What a cranky pants!
Matt Giraud is singing "My Funny Valentine" ...hmmm...not buying it. Seems forced and not authentic and he keeps changing his "voice"...low and raspy, then breathy, then full out....it felt awkward. I agree with the judges on this one. What??!? Is Simon smoking something tonight? Normally he and I are right one...but I have disagreed with everything he's said tonight.
Danny Gokey's up. I dont' care what the name of this song is ( cuz I missed it and I dont' know it) but man oh man is he HOT tonight. WOW! WOW! WOW! Yes He can sing..so nice of you all to notice. hehe.
Adam Lambert is up last. I am kinda tired of him. I am tired of the fuss. I don't see anything current about him unless you're stuck in 1987 or listen to the hard rock 80's station. He really can go home anytime. Actually he just needs to go back to Broadway and sing the role of Judas from "Jesus Christ Superstar" for the rest of his life. The end. oooo that last note was bad! And just once I'd like to see him pull off a song without all the tongue-filled screeching. A little theatrical???? Just a little. Off to Broadway you go young man.
I think I've made my wishes clear.
So tonight they are singing American "standards" - the music of the Brat Pack. I think this could be fun!! With guest mentor Jamie Foxx. Altho, after the nasty things he said on his radio show about cutey Miley Cyrus recently he has lost a few points in my book...let's see what he has to say.
Kris Allen's singing "The Way You Look Tonight" - wow. Jamie Foxx liked him and said such nice things to him! That's cool. So this was smooth, not all full of unnecessary runs. Nice. Slow, fast, slow. Loved the tempo changes. Very classy. Love.it.
Allison is up next singing "Someone to Watch Over Me". Love this song. One of my favorite to sing actually. Wow. Amazing.
All I can say right now is Simon must have woken up on the wrong side of the dungeon today. What a cranky pants!
Matt Giraud is singing "My Funny Valentine" ...hmmm...not buying it. Seems forced and not authentic and he keeps changing his "voice"...low and raspy, then breathy, then full out....it felt awkward. I agree with the judges on this one. What??!? Is Simon smoking something tonight? Normally he and I are right one...but I have disagreed with everything he's said tonight.
Danny Gokey's up. I dont' care what the name of this song is ( cuz I missed it and I dont' know it) but man oh man is he HOT tonight. WOW! WOW! WOW! Yes He can sing..so nice of you all to notice. hehe.
Adam Lambert is up last. I am kinda tired of him. I am tired of the fuss. I don't see anything current about him unless you're stuck in 1987 or listen to the hard rock 80's station. He really can go home anytime. Actually he just needs to go back to Broadway and sing the role of Judas from "Jesus Christ Superstar" for the rest of his life. The end. oooo that last note was bad! And just once I'd like to see him pull off a song without all the tongue-filled screeching. A little theatrical???? Just a little. Off to Broadway you go young man.
I think I've made my wishes clear.
Today, April 28th...
Outside my window…sunny, breezy, but pretty chilly. We hit 91 degrees here last Friday, and then woke up to 35 and rain the next morning. And then it proceeded to rain all weekend. The temps have been slowly making their way back up to "springtime". But the grass is green, perennials are starting to show themselves, The Hubs' Magnolia tree is blooming. Spring is definitely and finally here.
I am thinking…about how much life stinks without my husband.
I am thankful that…the kiddos have been pretty well-behaved this week while the Hubs is out of town for work. And Raggy Naggy Mother has barely had to help me parent this week at all!
From the kitchen…I think tacos are on the menu tonight.
I am wearing…I am in my "cozy clothes" (sweats, t-shirt, zipped hoodie). It's pretty much what I am in anytime I am home with nowhere to go.
I am creating…a quick video message for a long time friends 40th birthday.
I am going…to put real clothes on and run some errands today.
I am reading…The Yada Yada Prayer Group by Neta Jackson. It's good!!
I am hoping…that the weather continues to improve....I really like 65 and sunny.
I am hearing…Sesame Street on the TV, my dragonfly lights banging against the window (it's windy today.) Jaxon coughing - he has another cold.
Around the house...it's ok. There's a bucket of Magentix toys scattered all over the family room floor. But overall it's livable.
One of my favorite things...lazy days and naps.
A few plans for the rest of the week...survive. It's actually a pretty low-key week schedule-wise which I love. We will welcome The Hubs home after being gone for 7 full days. Praying that my boys get over these lingering head colds -they both have nasty coughs. Maybe a Hinterland Happy Hour May Day gathering Friday night? That might be fun!
Here's hoping your day is delightful.
I am thinking…about how much life stinks without my husband.
I am thankful that…the kiddos have been pretty well-behaved this week while the Hubs is out of town for work. And Raggy Naggy Mother has barely had to help me parent this week at all!
From the kitchen…I think tacos are on the menu tonight.
I am wearing…I am in my "cozy clothes" (sweats, t-shirt, zipped hoodie). It's pretty much what I am in anytime I am home with nowhere to go.
I am creating…a quick video message for a long time friends 40th birthday.
I am going…to put real clothes on and run some errands today.
I am reading…The Yada Yada Prayer Group by Neta Jackson. It's good!!
I am hoping…that the weather continues to improve....I really like 65 and sunny.
I am hearing…Sesame Street on the TV, my dragonfly lights banging against the window (it's windy today.) Jaxon coughing - he has another cold.
Around the house...it's ok. There's a bucket of Magentix toys scattered all over the family room floor. But overall it's livable.
One of my favorite things...lazy days and naps.
A few plans for the rest of the week...survive. It's actually a pretty low-key week schedule-wise which I love. We will welcome The Hubs home after being gone for 7 full days. Praying that my boys get over these lingering head colds -they both have nasty coughs. Maybe a Hinterland Happy Hour May Day gathering Friday night? That might be fun!
Here's hoping your day is delightful.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I just realized it been 10 days since I last posted!!
I am still here...and a new "REAL" post is coming soon.
Until then, watch this... a little fun from me to you...
Corporate Worship Songs - Tim Hawkins
I am still here...and a new "REAL" post is coming soon.
Until then, watch this... a little fun from me to you...
Corporate Worship Songs - Tim Hawkins
Saturday, April 11, 2009
O Calvary...

Thursday, April 9, 2009
The eggs in my basket....

I wish...
...I could go on a vacation to someplace with surf, sun and fruity drinks.
...it was summer so I didn't have to get kids up and off to school every day.
...the Hubs could work from home...even one day a week.
...I had the money saved up to buy lots of new furniture.
...I didn't have 30lbs to lose.
...I could eat without counting calories.
...I was more decisive.
...I didn't care so much about what people might think of me.
...I could take a little nap everyday.
...I was more organized.
...I was more intentional about how I spend my time.
...I could discover how to parent without any help from my evil twin, Raggy Naggy Mother.
...I had the means to help more people in need.
...I had just one really good, "BFF" kinda friend who actually lived within 20 miles of me.
...I would make time to read the Bible and spend time with God more consistently.
...I was somehow magically motivated to make some of these come true.
Maybe it's more like a basket-case....>sigh<>
What are some of your eggs?
Monday, April 6, 2009
In one week...
not much has happened...hence no blogging. Well ok...that's not entirely true. I am a momma of four and wife of one so I suppose some things have happened.
Spring break happened. It came. It went. We're back to school today. But here are a few things we did...
~a day trip up to the Science Museum and The 6 (The Hubs took a day off!) spent a full day there looking at mummies, dinosaur bones, bacteria/viruses, weather facts, and our own cheek cells under a microscope. We stopped for dinner at one of our favorite far and few between visits restaurant Ruby Tuesday's. YUM-O! We don't have one here in the Hinterland yet so when we get a chance to visit one out of town we jump on it. We had a delightful waitress, amazing food, kids even behaved themselves! Coleo said the next day, "yesterday was so perfect it was almost like it didn't happen." It was a pretty perfect day.
~the playing Wii. Lots and lots of Wii. Mostly Mario Kart with interludes of everyone taking turns doing their Wii Sports Fitness tests.
~ the watching too much TV. Mostly PBS (that doesn't really count does it?) with interludes of Pokemon on DVD.
~lots of sleeping in - by me - not the kids. No, they were all up earlier than they are to go school. Go figure. But they are all old enough now to help each other and fend for themselves for breakfast so I took the opportunity to stay in bed a little longer! A mom's gotta do what she can.
~a fun "mom's so cool for treating us to an impromptu dinner out to McDs" - one night when The Hubs stayed late at work. Don't worry their meal included Apple Dippers.
~ an evening of worship band practice and powerful Sunday morning service.
~another Hubs day off and The 5 took in a matinee of Monsters vs. Aliens. The Momma stayed home and enjoyed an afternoon of being in her own house all.by.herself. Delightful!
~ a great date night with The Hubs - out to a Wine Tasting. Over 200 wines to sip, tasty ante pasta salads and fresh fruit, and amazing chocolates from local chocolatiers. A-MAY-ZING! It was held in a Home Improvement/Builders "Market Square" so even the atmosphere was pretty wonderful. Lots of stolen kisses. walking arm and arm, and we even got to check out new countertops and sofas to boot! My favorite spot was the the lighting store area...all the beautiful fixtures, sconces and chandeliers.
And what didn't happen over our spring break? Playing outside. 'Cause someone forgot to actually inform the weather that it's SPRING! It never made it over 40 degrees the whole week. And most days it was downright gloomy. The kids would go out for short bits at a time but it was just crummy so they never really had much fun.
So there. Our Spring Break 2009! One for the books dont'cha think? :-)
Spring break happened. It came. It went. We're back to school today. But here are a few things we did...
~a day trip up to the Science Museum and The 6 (The Hubs took a day off!) spent a full day there looking at mummies, dinosaur bones, bacteria/viruses, weather facts, and our own cheek cells under a microscope. We stopped for dinner at one of our favorite far and few between visits restaurant Ruby Tuesday's. YUM-O! We don't have one here in the Hinterland yet so when we get a chance to visit one out of town we jump on it. We had a delightful waitress, amazing food, kids even behaved themselves! Coleo said the next day, "yesterday was so perfect it was almost like it didn't happen." It was a pretty perfect day.
~the playing Wii. Lots and lots of Wii. Mostly Mario Kart with interludes of everyone taking turns doing their Wii Sports Fitness tests.
~ the watching too much TV. Mostly PBS (that doesn't really count does it?) with interludes of Pokemon on DVD.
~lots of sleeping in - by me - not the kids. No, they were all up earlier than they are to go school. Go figure. But they are all old enough now to help each other and fend for themselves for breakfast so I took the opportunity to stay in bed a little longer! A mom's gotta do what she can.
~a fun "mom's so cool for treating us to an impromptu dinner out to McDs" - one night when The Hubs stayed late at work. Don't worry their meal included Apple Dippers.
~ an evening of worship band practice and powerful Sunday morning service.
~another Hubs day off and The 5 took in a matinee of Monsters vs. Aliens. The Momma stayed home and enjoyed an afternoon of being in her own house all.by.herself. Delightful!
~ a great date night with The Hubs - out to a Wine Tasting. Over 200 wines to sip, tasty ante pasta salads and fresh fruit, and amazing chocolates from local chocolatiers. A-MAY-ZING! It was held in a Home Improvement/Builders "Market Square" so even the atmosphere was pretty wonderful. Lots of stolen kisses. walking arm and arm, and we even got to check out new countertops and sofas to boot! My favorite spot was the the lighting store area...all the beautiful fixtures, sconces and chandeliers.
And what didn't happen over our spring break? Playing outside. 'Cause someone forgot to actually inform the weather that it's SPRING! It never made it over 40 degrees the whole week. And most days it was downright gloomy. The kids would go out for short bits at a time but it was just crummy so they never really had much fun.
So there. Our Spring Break 2009! One for the books dont'cha think? :-)
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