Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day...

to my most dear, most lovely husband, who truly is a most amazing father to our 4 children.

We aren't ones to make too much of these overly commercialized, consumer driven holidays. And we have been so busy with the prep and execution of our family reunion (which was this weekend and is now over!) that we haven't had time to think about much else. But I figured the least I could do was write a little something here.

We had a wonderful breakfast with some lingering post-reunion family including Greg's parents, his brother and family, and one of his cousins and her family who were still in town this morning and that was nice.

The rest of the day was spent relaxing, playing outside with the kids, and watching a movie; I spent the day lounging and napping on the the couch, watching some of my favorite cooking/travel/decorating and gardening shows on PBS. It was a perfect end to a couple of really crazy and stressful weeks. And then this evening we met my parents for a nice casual dinner out.

To my dearest husband, I love our beautiful, crazy and patience testing children. I love the home and family we've created together. You're a great dad and I love you, so very much.

Happy Father's Day!

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