A ctive
C limber
K utie-pie
W onderful
I ntelligent
L oving
L uscious
I nteresting
A mazing
M agical
He completed our family and made us a family of 6.
Happy Birthday to the sweetest boy!
We love you so much!
the equation of a family, or...adding up the ordinary into something extraordinary, or...what you get when you add a guy, a girl, 4 kids, a dog and a cat, a little chaos, hours of music, lotsa faith, a dash of crazy, and oodles of love.
1 comment:
Beautiful Karyn. What I enjoy so much is to see how he really is moms boy. I'll do in a pinch but he really prefers you...and that's awesome.
Even more is that you help him explore his world.
Your patience with him is amazing. You've realized that convincing him rather than forcing him towards a decision makes him much happier.
Thank YOU for such a wonderful boy.
P.S. I love being in this equation with you.
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