Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Our girls....

just wanted to share this a wee little video of our not-so-little girlies (in blue and white) at gymnastics the other night...

They love gymnastics more than I ever thought possible. We did one year of dance (tap and ballet) last year, and while I think they enjoyed it, I don't think they LOVED it. Even tho Wren can often be seen found flitting about the house like a little butterfly at any given time.

But gymnastics, whoo wee do they love. it. After their first one hour session, they were begging to be signed up to go more than one day a week. We said no, let's just start with this and see where it goes.

After their third week, they were invited to join "pre-team" training. The Proud Momma in me took this to mean that they see some potential and we should begin saving up for living away from home for future Olympic training. The Cynical Momma in me took this to mean that the gym just wanted to get a little more $$ of out us.

But who am I to say no to my potential Olympians?
Especially when they love it oh so much.

So they are now "training" 2 days a week after school for an hour at time. If they had their way, they would be there everyday. By June, we could be expected to have them training up to 8 hours a week. Uffdah....we'll cross that proverbial bridge when we come to it.

They just love it. And in watching them, I do truly think they have great potential. But think I can safely hold off, at least a couple of years, before I need to make space on the mantel for any gold medals.

1 comment:

Melissa Lee said...


Thank you for making me feel so much better about myself this morning. So so so much better.

Your poor little man. Serves you right that you had to wash those vomit clothes. (ha)

And look at your gymnastic girlies go!!

Melissa at Stretch Marks


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