One of my favorite bloggers is doing a daily challenge for the month of November... thought I'd join in. She is going to post one thing she is thankful for everyday as a way to not cruise through the holidays without pause and gratitude....she said it will just be a sentence each day or maybe even just a word. For me, it might one thing or six.
Here goes....
DAY 1 - Today, as I packed up 2 years worth of outgrown winter clothes to donate to a United Way winter outwear drive, I am thankful that we have the ability to afford new coats, every year if we really wanted.
that, and the fact that I didn't pass out on live TV.
tell me about the live TV event!!!
When are the "Hint's" coming out to UTAH???????
The fun we'd have reconnecting!!!!!
The front light is always on for you and your's!!!!
Have a great day Karen!
So great to hear from you!!!
I so want to come visit!!! Especially now rhat we know we can survive a 17 + hr roadtrip! And the girls really want to see the Rocky Mts. So If I have anything to do with it, we will be planning a trip for next summer to see you and Kirchhoffs.
The live TV thing was just a 2 min interview yesterday on our local news for my Mothers of Multiples group ... (I am currently president of the group) We are throwing 50th anniversary reunion party this weekend and it was a chance for a little promotion for that and the club in general. I can stand up to sing in front of hundreds of people no problem .. But something like that sends my heart racing!!!!
Hugs to you both!!!
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